Thursday, January 3, 2008

Where, oh where has my Baby Jane gone? No seriously! Not my completed blocks, I know where they the notebook I have with the book pages cut up and the blocks kept with their page in page protectors. But, I had several blocks prepped to sew, or at least with the patterns printed and the fabric picked out. I had planned to sew some blocks on January 1, the 10th anniversary of when I started this quilt. And when I went to the basket where these little packets have lain dormant for years - they aren't there! When, where, and WHY did I move them? Oh well, the day was not totally lost. There were two little baggies in the bottom of the basket, one with a completed block that just needed pressing and one almost complete that needed a couple more pieces stitched in. I pressed the completed one and stitched the other on January 1 so I did meet my goal, somewhat. The picture below is not so good but it is the two little orphans (laying on a piece white fleece for the photo so you can't see the muslin background of the one on the right but they are the same size). Now I know one of my projects for this weekend is to find the other lost little lambs!

I did get some other sewing done on my Carolina Crossroads mystery quilt and another UFO. I had to go back to work yesterday and didn't stitch a single thread when I got home, just too tired!

Ah well, only one more day to work this week and it's back to my sewing sanctuary this weekend.



Lissa Jane said...

I love love love your to do list, I might have to use a few of those goals for myself!

Thanks for visiting my blog!


scraphappy said...

I love the way your dear jane blocks are turning out. I am also working on one in blue and white, and seeing your cute little blocks might just inspire me to drag mine out again.

Nancy said...

I think I must have seen a reference to your blog on the Quiltville group. I have recently read thru it and wanted to thank you for the link to LibraryThing. I am a retired middle school librarian with quite a few quilting books, and other books and I have just spent the last hour or so beginning to catalog my collection. My husband is also a librarian with a large science fiction collection. I might have just talked him into using it as well.

Am I remembering correctly that you live in GA? We have 3 kids, 3 grands and other family members scattered from Athens to Dallas to McDonough - and one day hope to be back there ourselves.

Oh, and I LOVE the quilt in your header, and your Dear Janes in blue and white are beautiful. I have thought of doing, or starting, on them, and love the idea of blue and white in them all!

I'll be watching your progress on the Carolina Crossroads. I might do it later this year, but have several projects to finish before starting very many new ones!

Jeanne said...

I hate when that happens! Your little lambs are very cute. I hope the missing blocks show up soon.